Now Let's Talk! The Podcast - From Ballerina to Psychologist: A Journey

DeRubeis-Byrne, L (2020). Helping children to cope in difficult times. Simplify Magazine [Work and Play] (13) 30-38. 

Helping Children Cope In Difficult Times

Spiel, S., Lombardi, K. & DeRubeis-Byrne, L. (2019). Treating traumatized children: Somatic memories and play therapy. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Treating traumatized children: Somatic memories and play therapy

DeRubeis-Byrne, L. (2018). Understanding the intrapsychic processes of high school students during guided meditation: A longitudinal study. Adelphi University, The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. 10994024. Full Article

DeRubeis-Byrne, L. (2016). Masochism revisited: Nancy McWilliams on self-defeating patterns. Day Residue [Derner Institute Doctoral Student Newsletter], 6-7. Full Article