Book Your Free 15-Minute Phone Consultation to express what you are looking for in therapy, and to determine whether it is a good fit to begin working together.

  • Individual Therapy: You have the opportunity to gain insight into the patterns in your life that are impacting your life and relationships and holding you back from being your authentic self. Treatment is tailored to your specific reason for seeking therapy at this time, so the challenges addressed can range from helping you manage life transitions, work/life balance and stress, improve self-esteem, build coping and mindfulness skills, and process grief and trauma.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR): An evidenced-based treatment modality initially created for Vietnam war veterans with PTSD, but it has expanded to be an effective treatment for an array of other conditions as well. Laura DeRubeis-Byrne, Ph.D. combines somatic experiencing/resourcing and mindfulness techniques, which are particularly helpful for processing trauma that is held in the body. EMDR sessions typically range from 50-60 minutes in session length.

  • Couple’s Therapy: Couples experience heightened conflict when there are increased life stressors, incompatibility, and issues in miscommunication where emotional needs are not able to be effectively expressed. Couple’s therapy can work to improve effective communication, resulting in reduced conflicts, misunderstandings and miscommunication leading to increased felt connection.

  • Family Therapy: A place where families can learn to communicate more effectively helping to reduce conflict that gets in the way of increased understanding and expressed emotional needs. Particularly helpful when families are impacted by life transitions, grief/loss, and increased life stressors.

  • Group Therapy: Healing Through Loss - A group to help members process feelings of loss and grief in a fast-paced society that does not tend to hold space for grief processing and ritual.

  • Mindfulness Group: A group where members are invited to cultivate mindfulness techniques and practices, which build as the group progresses. These techniques are helpful for coping with anxiety, stress, hyperactivity, and restlessness, to bring work/life balance, and to increase one’s ability to be present in any given moment.